
dash diet and habit not to success diet

71년생 권진검 2013. 6. 9. 00:36

DASH diet

DASH (Dietary approaches to stop hypertension) is originally designed for patients with high blood pressure. It helps those patients to stay healthy with provided diet and surprisingly it also can be adopted to weight watch program. Here is how we can do it.

First, eat lots of vegetables, fruits and dairy products. They will make your stomach full of vitamin, calcium and fiber. You will be satisfied with rather small amounts of food you eat.

Second, take protein from poultry especially chicken and fish. They will provided the same protein as you do from beef or pork but less calory.

Third, limit your intake any sugar or fat products. Instead drinks lots of water or tea.

Lastly reduce salt when cooking. Salt attracts your appetite and leads you to overeat. Any food with low salt drop your blood pressure and restrain your desire to eat more.



Snacks vs. Diets or Both?

Health organization research center in the States again presents that taking various nuts on your diet will lower the rates of abdominal obesity, diabetic, and high blood pressure.  In addition, compared to those who don't take nuts on their diets, the others shows average weight loss of 1.8kg, waist length 1cm smaller, and lower BMI than the former.

Nuts contain less calories but abundant in plenty of nutritions, which will reduce the danger of obesity.  Especially pistachio provides vitamin B together with manganese, and cu which is sufficient amount for an adult of daily intake.

So chew whatever nuts you can find and enjoy your snack time while on diet.



habit not to success our Diet

It is so obvious that your belly grows - I mean to the side and the front - as  you get old.  We can easily spot someone who is only fat around belly.  Let's find out what kinds of habit help you grow your belly.


They are absolutely 100% of glucide.  If you get too much of them, they will transform into triglyceride in your body.  You soon will see them as part of your fat abdomen.  Glucide tends to stay in your stomach for a fairly short period which causes you feel hungry.  When you plan to control your weight, you have to watch out how much you consume fruits everyday.

Sleeping time

It is true that you lose your belly if going to bed and get up early. When you sleep, your body burn up fat cell as your hormone activates.  If you go to bed before midnight, you won't need to seek for snack and that helps your body burn any leftover fat in your body.




It is better to do aerobics than push-ups.  Imagine you are full of fat belly practicing push-ups without any preparation.  It will only cause a pain on your waist.  When doing so, always start to walk for about 5 minutes then do the push-ups.


It is quite popular in East-Asians to have dry or wet sauna in order to lost weight. Simply not true.  It may look like you lost weight a bit as sweating a lot.  However it has nothing to do with consuming your body fat.  Same applies to any vibrating exercise machine.  They alleviate restrained your body muscle so you can feel relieved but nothing to do with burning body fat.

Never stop diet~~


